torsdag den 18. december 2008

Creating a Google Gadget with the ArcGIS JavaScript API in 5 minutes

Det er blevet betydelig lettere at skubbe kort og GIS ud til brugeren - nu gælder det bare om at holde kvaliteten høj. 

It has become many times easier these days when it comes to pushing maps and GIS out to the user - today it's more a matter of maintaining quality.


Google Gadgets are small self-contained Web-based modules that plug into iGoogle. iGoogle is a framework, similar to a portal, which can display multiple gadgets in a tabular fashion. Similar Web 2.0 portal sites are NetvibesMy YahooPageflakes, and Windows Live. As opposed to traditional portal frameworks, these are very lightweight and do not require the extensive development of a portal version of your Web applications. Finally, the learning curve is minimal.

These services do not host the content or the Web application, rather they provide a framework to bring together Web applications from various sources. For example, a user can customize an iGoogle page to display local weather, movies, traffic conditions, gas prices, maps, to-do lists, emails etc.

So how does this relate to Web applications made using the ArcGIS JavaScript API?


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