søndag den 14. december 2008

What About Real Time Imagery?

End ikke Google orker at holde mig under 24 timers opsyn ...

Not even Google have the power to keep an eye on me 24x7 ...

Spy Satellite 


Will this lead to real-time imagery? Probably not any time in the near future. To do that, we'd need hundreds, if not thousands of satellites all running 24 hours a day to capture imagery. What if you need more recent imagery than what's available in Google Earth? If that's the case, we recommend that you zoom in on the area you're interested in, and look at the copyright information displayed in the bottom of the Google Earth window. You can then contact the data provider listed by visiting their website and see if they have more recent imagery available. [...]

Read more: http://googleearthuser.blogspot.com/2008/12/what-about-real-time-imagery.html

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