tirsdag den 16. december 2008

Earth Pattern

Jorden er et mesterværk og kunsten er at kunne se det og ikke mindst vise det ...

Earth is a masterpiece - it's an art to be able to see and show that ...


This terrain art depicts the diversity, scale, and character of selected regions of the earth. It reassures us that our planet is knowable at an intimate level, and shows special areas with particularly interesting patterns. Derived primarily from elevation surfaces and secondarily from satellite imagery, the prints are expansive enough to show shapes and trends that are rarely appreciated, yet detailed enough to allow perusing the curiosities and wonders of even small portions. Many of the more arcane pieces were chosen for their inherent textures, storylines, color compositions, and unusual shapes. Pixel sizes range from 14 to 95 meters, and the edge-to-edge distances vary from 100 to 1500 km. [...]

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