torsdag den 25. december 2008

Cloud Computing Events for 2009

Fra jeg først hørte om Cloud Computing tilbage i juli ( og til nu er der sket rigtig meget ... og nu taler jeg kun ud fra den mængde af informationer som er dukket op på nettet siden da. Antallet af indlæg er steget eksplosivt og det er kun begyndelsen vi har set. I august faldt jeg for første gang over begrebet geo cloud ( men der har været noget stille siden da - jeg håber ikke at GIS verdenen misser denne chance for at komme ud til alle - jeg frygter at det er GIS leverandørernes software licenser som hiver den varme luft ud af GIS ballonerne ...

Since I first mentioned Clou Computing back in July ( and until now quite a lot has happened ... and I only speak on basis of what I have observed on the net and on the amount of information that has emerged. The number of posts has risen enormously and yet we have only seen the beginning of it. Back in August I first stumbled over the what was called the Geo Cloud ( but since there has not been much talk about it - I fear that GIS is missing a great uppertunity here to go really main stream and hit everybodys desktop - and I am afraid the main reason is the license policies defined by the leading GIS vendors ...


Posted by: Dmitry Sotnikov on: December 24, 2008

With Cloud Computing taking all the media attention, rapidly growing and generating so much hype no wonder that various industry events are starting to sprawl. Here’s my attempt to put together the schedule of the cloud computing conferences announced for 2009: [...]

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2 kommentarer:

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