tirsdag den 23. december 2008

Dataset of the Day: Another Look at Flickr Data

Der er bare et eller andet som gør de kort man kan lave med Mapper fra geocommon lidt mere lækre at se på end så mange andre kort. Desuden er mængden af data efterhånden overvældende så det er bare med komme igang med at lave kort ... 

There is just something about the maps you can create using Mapper from geocommons. They are just that bit more nice to look at. Add to this the vast amount of data available - just you get staring creating maps ...


December 23rd, 2008by Bill Greer

Flickr recently published the areal shapes of place names based on geotagged photos.Tom Taylor quickly developed a visualization for any particular place name.
The shapes are irresistible. We added a few locations into Geocommons. The data includes counts of the number of photos taken for any particular place name. For a better idea of what this looks like, take a look at San Francisco flickr data on OpenStreetMap:


Finally, I wondered whether it was just geeks like myself who geo-tagged their photos, so I loaded the crunchbase and flickr data into a global map:

Read more: http://blog.fortiusone.com/2008/12/23/dataset-of-the-day-another-look-at-flickr-data/

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