torsdag den 18. december 2008

Modified Mars

En dansk astronom lidt oppe i årene sagde engang (dengang da Bill lovede at Amerikanerne skulle til Mars) at han ville med og at han ikke behøvede at komme med retur ...

An old Danish astronomer once said (during the time when Bill promised the Americans that they would head for Mars) that he wanted to go and they didn't need bothering bringing him back ...


Click here to start exploring Modified Mars in Google Earth.


It is hard to believe that just a few centuries ago Mars was a lifeless place. Around the turn of the millennium, a time when space programs were stagnating due to a lack of vision by those in power, no human had even set foot on the then Red Planet. Dust storms were torturing the arid landscape, it's stark beauty unseen by human eyes.

Only a few people were aware of the immense promise of terraforming Mars. With environmental problems on the home world running out of control, even the thought of modifying another planet was like blasphemy to many other earthlings' ears. Still, it happened.

Just over two hundred years later, rivers are running once more through ancient valleys, ocean waters are washing a long and capricious shoreline, forests are working their way up on magnificent slopes.This Modified Mars is a home to millions of people and the Solar System's favorite tourist destination.

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