Hvad er det som vi mennesker får ud af at en videnskabsmand kan kortlægge en fjern måne i 3D? Viden om fjerne himmellegemer som på en eller anden sær vis også gør os klogere på vores egen lille klode. Nogen gange ligger svaret et helt andet sted end forventet - nogen gange er det vejen til et svar som er svaret på et andet langt nærere problem.
What do humanity get from the knowledge of far away celestian objects in 3D? Some how this knowledge makes us more knowing about our own world. Sometimes the answer to one problem is to be found in unexpected places - sometimes it is the road to one solution that might be the answer to another unsolved problem.
ALTADENA, Calif. — When space engineers made a map of a planet or a distant moon back in the old days, they made an 8-by-10 picture of part of the surface, identified a couple of landmarks — a crater and an outcrop, say — and measured the distance between them with a straightedge and a crayon. [...]
Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/23/science/23prof.html?_r=1&ref=technology
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