lørdag den 6. december 2008

Governement 2.0, Open Data, Apps for Democracy

4000% - så stor var investeringsgevinsten for DC.gov da de udskrev en konkurrence om at lave web 2.0 løsninger til det offentlige ... noget nogen burde tænke over ...  

4000% - in return investment when DC.gov asked people to participate in creating web 2.0 solutions for the city and its people / visitors ... somebody ought to be inspired ...


The Apps for Democracy contest featured 60 cash prizes from $2000 to $100 dollars for a total of $20,000 in prizes. Developers and designers competed to create web applications, widgets, Google Maps mash-ups, iPhone apps, Facebook apps, and other digital utilities that visualize OCTO’s Data Catalog (http://data.octo.dc.gov) , which provides real-time data from multiple agencies to citizens — a catalyst ensuring agencies operate as more responsive, better performing organizations.

47 apps were created, representing $2,000,000 in value for DC.gov, and at a cost of $50,000 the program represented a 4000% return on investment.

Pdf_16x16 24 Pages

Read more: http://www.scribd.com/doc/8678520/Governement-20-Open-Data-Apps-for-Democracy-

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