søndag den 3. maj 2009

Here & There — a horizonless projection in Manhattan

Visning af kort på en 3D klode gør det muligt at vise mere kortbillede på det samme skærmareal ... Ved at vise kortet på indersiden af en klode øger denne effekt . Se f.eks. det meste af Manhattan i et 3D view ...

Showing maps on globes and tilting the view making it possible to see more map on the same screen area i great ... By showing the map on the inside of a globe makes this effect even more effective. See most of Manhattan in one 3D view ...


Here & There is a project by S&W exploring speculative projections of dense cities. These maps of Manhattan look uptown from 3rd and 7th, and downtown from 3rd and 35th. They're intended to be seen at those same places, putting the viewer simultaneously above the city and in it where she stands, both looking down and looking forward.

(The map deserves to be examined at full scale. Prints from a limited run are available for purchase.)

Looking uptown from 3rd and 7th
Landmarks are in gold. Note the figure standing outside Cooper Union. You'll see him in the distance on the other map of the pair. Click to see Here & There looking downtown.

What's going on?

Imagine a person standing at a street corner. The projection begins with a three-dimensional representation of the immediate environment. Close buildings are represented normally, and the viewer himself is shown in the third person, exactly where she stands.

As the model bends from sideways to top-down in a smooth join, more distant parts of the city are revealed in plan view. The projection connects the viewer's local environment to remote destinations normally out of sight. [...]

Read more: http://schulzeandwebb.com/hat/

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