torsdag den 9. juli 2009

What does the Google Chrome OS mean for GIS?

Da GIS ikke bare er én ting men mange ting, eller skulle vi snarere sige at GIS er en egenskab ... Det betyder at GIS som vi kender den fortsat vil trives bedst der hvor den hele tiden bedst har fundet sig til rette ... der imod er der større og større områder som ikke rigtigt har kunnet finde sin rette plads såsom webgis, borgergis, og andet gis til folket ... Der vil Google OS sikkert være endnu et kæmpeskridt i den retning som vi vil se at også Microsoft vil være tvunget til at gå i fremtiden ... Man kan ikke side at fiske fra en lille ø i al evighed, man skal ud og sejle på bølgen blå ...

GIS is not just one thing or even many things ... it's rather a capacity ... GIS where it lives well today will continue to live well on traditional platforms but more and more data flow will be better suited in an updated and technologically improwed enviroment ... The Google OS will certainly be a big contender in this and we will see MS come running / dragged behind (again) ... You may fish well from your little islands but sailing upon the waves will largely improve the experience ...


Obviously desktop operating systems are not going to disappear over night or maybe ever, but Web based operating systems are emerging and it is interesting to think about what this could mean for GIS. We’ve seen more geospatial applications moving to the Web/Cloud and running purely in a browser - with WeoGeo being a leader in the space and applications like Arc2Earth leveraging cloud services like Google’s App Engine. Large GIS players like ESRI have been touting their work on cloud architectures and recently launched ArcGIS Online as an example.

Will we see an eventual migration to purely Web based GIS or will the desktop always remain in the mix? Which of the big players is going lead GIS into a Web OS? What parts of current desktop GIS systems would not be possible in a browser? [...]

Source: Off The Map

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