torsdag den 12. marts 2009

Density Mapping in Google Maps with HeatMapAPI

For hver ny API der kommer som arbejder sammen Google Map bliver Google en lille smule stærkere. En dag kan man med Google Map og en given API løse alle de opgaver som idag kun kan klares vha. professionelle desk programmer ...

Every time a new API emerges compatible with Google Map another muscle is added to Google power on the internet. One day you will be able to solve any GIS problem using Google Map and an apropriate API ...


Posted by epimpler

In the GIS world heat maps are a graphical representation of point data on a map through the use of colors that indicate the density of some variable such as crime incidents or traffic accidents.  Heat maps let users quickly visualize the density of locations. Being able to understand the density of point locations makes it much easier to see patterns in your data, especially when using colors. In this post we’re going to examine the HeatMapAPI, a JavaScript API for creating heat maps in Google Maps. [...]

2009 Starbucks Store Closures

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