torsdag den 21. august 2008

Arc2Earth Cloud Services

Denne artikel skal læses. Det er meget interessant det de har gang i her og de har helt klart fat i den lange ende her. En ting er data og en anden ting er den funktionalitet som 'standard' viewerne (Virtual Earth og Google Map) stiller til rådighed. Disse standard produkter mangler hele GIS delen - pæne kort, massere af data, men ikke ret meget geoprocessering ... ESRI pas på!

This article is a must read. It is very interessting what they are doing here and they clearly have got a good grip on things. One thing is data and another is functionality. The 'standard' viewers out there (Virtual Earth and Google Map) knows how to navigate the map but apart from looking nice there isn't much else to it. Geoprocessing is key - add that to VE and GM and ESRI you gotta watch out!


When we first started Arc2Earth, one of the primary goals was to bring the power of the web based visualization to your average ArcGIS desktop user. By allowing them to export KML to Google Earth and then later to create map tiles for Google Maps and Microsoft Virtual Earth, we allowed our users to publish their data to a much larger audience without the need for servers or server software. In this regard, I think we’ve done pretty well in serving the need, there is always room for improvement but for the most part, we added another useful tool into our their bag of tricks. We plan to continue building on this base but have also embarked on a plan to provide even more powerful tools for our users.

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