tirsdag den 26. august 2008

Virtual Earth Applications on Facebook

Det måtte komme. Hvad med Google map apps?

It had to be done. What about Google map apps?


I just joined Facebook. This is after a long, nightmarish experience of "friends" on MySpace forced me to delete my account (3 times) and depart from social networking sites altogether; however, I'm healed and recovered and now move forward with a Facebook account (don't be offended if you friend request me and I decline - I've only included people in my network that I really know and trust; or, have imbibed large amounts of alcohol with). Digression, digression.....
There are a couple applications on Facebook that are using
Microsoft Virtual Earth, so I figured I'd call them out here in case you want to add them to your profile.


Read more: http://blogs.msdn.com/virtualearth/archive/2008/08/26/virtual-earth-applications-on-facebook.aspx

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