onsdag den 27. august 2008

Using the ESRI JavaScript API as the Silverlight control SDK

Der er bare nogen som ser lyset førend andre og det er ikke mig.

There are those who see the light long before others and it is not me.


After Richie released the Map Viewer Silverlight control I thought to provide the control with an SDK. Completely write an SDK in Silverlight for queries and tasks would take a long time. However ArcGIS 9.3 comes out with the Rest Api and Silverlight can talk to Javascript without any problems. ESRI Javascript API uses rest to talk to the server. So I would use the Javascript API from Silverlight as the SDK.


Read more: http://alpascual.com/blog/al/archive/2008/08/24/using-the-esri-javascript-api-as-the-silverlight-control-sdk.aspx

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