torsdag den 28. august 2008

Ecoinformatics Climate Change Demonstrator

Nu hvor vi allesammen har adgang til globale kortværker og løbende hører om hvorledes jorden er på vej mod nye ragnarok så er det godt at man arbejder på at vise os den almene tilstand så vi (måske) alle kan forstå hvad det er som foregår.

Now that we all have access to global map data and at the same time are told about the poor condition our common earth is in it is great though that some people work on a way to visualize and (perhaps) make us all understand what's going on.


The Ecoinformatics Platform will be an online collaborative and shared resource for managing climate, ecosystem and environmental data and information products. The Ecoinformatics eScience contribution will develop this platform and data and models for research, development and policy/community applications. In recognition of the magnitude of the task of creating a fully integrated Ecoinformatics Platform, the project aims to develop a demonstrator applying the principles of an Ecoinformatics Platform to undertake research into climate change impacts and adaptation within primary industries. This document provides details of the technical implementation of the climate change demonstrator for the Ecoinformatics Platform.

The ability to simulate climate and its variability at regional and local levels is an essential policy making tool. The method of dynamical downscaling is the most physically consistent approach to refine coarse resolution meteorological data to finer spatial scales. Models currently applied in climate predictions have been developed from numerical weather prediction models. These atmospheric global circulation models (GCMs) are usually coupled with ocean and terrestrial models and hence are known as coupled GCMs or more recently, climate system models (CSMs). Because of limited computational resources, GCMs generally have a spatial resolution of around 200 km, which is too coarse to provide detailed information on climate at regional and local levels. In dynamical downscaling, output of a GCM provides initial values and boundary conditions for a regional climate model (RCM). The high resolution RCM output is downscaled from the GCM output using detailed topography and other surface characteristics, physical parameterisations and high resolution (non-hydrostatic) flow dynamics. The requirement to accurately refine climate data using an RCM is especially important over the regions of varying topography, like mountain regions and coastal zones, of which Victoria is a good example. Additionally, a simpler, computationally less demanding approach is applied produce refined climate data from GCM output.The implementation of the climate change demonstrator for the Ecoinformatics Platform provides high resolution climate data for crop modelling and land suitability analysis at a regional scale and serves to demonstrate the applicability of the concept of the Ecoinformatics Platform to other users. The major goals of a fully functioning system are:
  • Understand the extent of Climate change with respect to Victorian plant industries.
  • Understand the impact of Climate Change on management options for Victorian plant industries, aquaculture and similar.
  • Engage and communicate with the communities of interest on the likely impacts, extent and management options for Victorian plant industries.


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