fredag den 22. august 2008

Subscribing to a KML file via RSS

Det er det her jeg har kikket efter længe. Abonner på f.eks. nyheder via KML rss feeds. Få vist nyheder når de sker i din favorit kortkikker.

This I have been looking for. Subscribe to say news via KML rss feeds. Instant news pin in your favorite map viewer.


Here’s another super helpful trick to make it easy to keep up on news events being reported via KML. Ideally, timely information with a Geographic component would be published via GeoRSS feeds which would make it easy to consume in standard RSS readers. But often KML files are used instead as is the case of this ongoing account of the war between Georgia and Russia. The downside is that there is no easy way to be alerted when the author makes an edit or addition.


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