søndag den 24. august 2008

Microsoft Virtual Earth Partner Program

Microsoft mangler 'lokale' udviklere til at promovere deres Virtual Earth applikation.

Microsoft need you to promote Virtual Earth locally.


Do you love Virtual Earth? Do you want to participate in generating revenue from Virtual Earth? Do you run a development shop that is building some crazy, sexy applications that push the limits of geospatial and Virtual Earth? Then, you need to be a Microsoft Virtual Earth Partner! I'm out there sweating blood and tears to get people to use and license Virtual Earth, but we seem to have a shortage of local Virtual Earth Certified Partners in which to refer our customers to for help - this is where you come in. We're looking for some qualified partners to handle local development in their respective markets. We need partners all over the world, so if you're interested there are a few steps to get you there:


Read more: http://blogs.msdn.com/virtualearth/archive/2008/08/22/microsoft-virtual-earth-partner-program.aspx

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