mandag den 4. august 2008

Rethinking the blog mission

Indtil for lidt siden havde jeg ikke meget andet end UC2008 i hovedet, så dukkede der en mail op:

Up until just a little while ago I did not think about much else other than UC2008, then this mail landed in my mail box:

"Is there are reason why you are stealing my content? You have three recent posts on your site copied word for word from my site. "

Jeg svarede som følger:

My answer was this:

"First of all my apologies – I have removed all your texts from the three posts mentioned, and I will go through the rest to see if there should be any other posts containing your work.

Secondly let me try to explain what I have done and why:

For some time I have collected items of interest from the web and redistributed it in mails to friends and colleagues who have found the posts very valuable to them. In my mails I usually posted the content as well as the link. That made it possible to read the posts off line which again was very useful for some. I have been asked several times why I didn’t just gathered the information in a blog on the web and after some thoughts I decided to go a head a do it.

My mission was from the beginning to achieve the same goals as I did with the email posts and I figured that the same form of it was ok to do as long as I supplied my sources (you found your stuff via google alerts because of that). Using google reader (or any other reader for that matter) do very much what I do except there are no editor to filter out the interesting ‘must read’ bits. That was one reason that I did not see that I would be stealing any more work than did google reader.

After receiving your mail I can see I have made a big error by not asking for permission to redistribute others material. I will try to change this the best way possible. Is there any way that you would find satisfactory if I made it clearer be whom the text originated? If not the whole text would an excerpt of the text be ok or maybe just a screen dump? If you cannot see this working in any way I will not redistribute any of your texts again – promise. If I should mention any work by you in the future it would only by using a link. But I do hope you can see a way in which some of the above mentioned solutions could work out.

As you can see you by far have been the only one being subject to my redistribution of information (I use ‘redistribution’ instead of ‘stealing’ which was not my intention, however I do now see the similarities). I will as soon as possible make contact to the other sources and hopefully get some kind of agreement for a redistribution.

Again I do hope you can accept my apologies."

Som lovet sendte jeg mails til mine andre kilder. Indtil der foreligger svar fra alle vil der ikke ske meget andet på bloggen end 100% egne indlæg.

As promissed I sent the following to my sources. Until there is a final answer this blog will stop and only my own produced text.


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