mandag den 29. juni 2009

Building the Next-Generation Web Experience

GIS og kort på nettet har ikke forandret sig meget siden internettets start i 90'erne ... Kort på nettet ligner kort som vi kender dem fra papir ... De er dog blevet 'intelligente' og man kan interagere med dem, men i bund og grund har de stadig samme form som de kort man finder på reolen derhjemme. Google gik skridtet videre og genopfandt globussen, men som sagt ikke noget unikt for nettet ... Hvad er GIS's sande form på nettet?

GIS and maps on the net haven't changed much since the dawn of the internet in the early nineties ... Maps still looks like maps as we know them from print ... They have become 'intelligent' and they do interact but in essense they are still like the maps we find on our shelves at home ... Google reinvented the globus but that's no unique internet feature ... What is the true identity of GIS on net?


She said that the ideal Web experience of the future will be Customized, Aggregated, Relevant and Social (with the acronym "CARS" as a mnemonic). She pointed to several services that take advantage of social networking and aggregation to deliver customized and relevant data to users. [...]

Stop imitating paper and be the Web

These sites succeed by taking full advantage of the Internet. "New forms of technology start by imitating older forms and then evolve into their true forms," said Dorsey.

As an example, she pointed to theBenz Patent Motorwagen of 1886which looks more like a carriage than a modern day car. Even the famous Ford Model T required a hand crank to start. "The Austin 7 RK Saloon of 1928 was a car that you or I could start." She meant that in the Austin 7, the controls were located where a modern driver would expect them to be.

The first Web page appeared in 1991. In 1992 it still looked like a piece of paper.

"We've been working on the Web for ten years," said Dorsey. "It took the car 50 years to find its true form. The online experience has yet to find its true form."

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