onsdag den 17. juni 2009

Report: How The Internet Has Changed Music Consumption

Udskift musik med GIS data og man ser for sig hvorledes at man ikke har kunnet finde sig til rette i det nye element som hedder web gis ... Data er drivkraften ... uden data ingen fremgang ...

Change 'music' with 'GIS data' and you'll see how GIS data vendors stumble around not knowing how to navigate the 'new' media called web gis ... Data is the fuel ... without fuel no progress ...


by Chris Sherman

Music file sharing services have always been a mutant species of search, offering different tools and methods for finding and listening to tunes. Napster was one of the first and most infamous, and its widespread adoption caused the recording industry to panic, suing both the company and thousands of its users. That hasn’t stopped the practice of sharing music—in fact, there are dozens if not hundreds of ways to find and listen to music online today, both legal and otherwise.

In a new report, The State of Music Online: Ten Years After Napster, the Pew Internet Project traces the evolution of online music, and the changes that have been forced on musicians and the recording industry. While the history is fascinating, Pew’s conclusions are notable for anyone accessing “free” music using peer-to-peer file sharing systems, music search sites like Songzaor SearchMe Music, or even streaming “radio” stations like Pandora or Last.fm. [...]

Source: Search Engine Land

Read more: http://searchengineland.com/report-how-the-internet-has-changed-music-consumption-21116

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