torsdag den 17. juli 2008

Site Selection and Trade Area Analysis

ArcGIS 9.3 og det nye REST API har åbnet op for mashups som vi kender dem i forbindelse med Google Map. Sidstnævnte har for længst vist at denne tilgang til kortdata er en succes. Hvad skal vi så med ArcGIS 9.3? For det første er det egne data man kan eksponere og for det andet og meget vigtigere: geoprocesering. ArcGIS Server er skabt til at lave rigtig GIS og det er det som løfter ArcGIS langt op over hvad Google formår idag (man ved aldrig hvad GOOG har oppe i ærmet). Nedenfor ses et eksempel på ArcGIS Server JS API in action.

ArcGIS 9.3 and the new REST API has opened the road towards mashups as we have seen with Google Map. The last mentioned has long gone shown that the mashup method is a huge success. So why do we need ArcGIS 9.3? First of all you can publis your own data and secondly and more importantly you have: Geoprocessing. ArcGIS Server is built to do GIS and that is what leverages it far above what Google can do today (you never know what GOOG has up its sleeve in the near future). Below you see an example of ArcGIS Server JS API in action.


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This demo shows how to use the ArcGIS JavaScript API toperform a site selection. It leverages querytask,geoprocessing task and map services from the sample servicesin the ArcGIS Server resource center.

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