fredag den 25. juli 2008

Soon on my way to UC 2008

Om en uge sidder jeg i flyet på vej til ESRIs Internationale brugerkonference i San Diego. Et sted mellem 12 og 14 tusind deltagere kommer fra hele kloden for at høre seneste nyt fra ESRI. Det er 5. gang jeg tager af sted og det er hver gang med stor spænding at jeg ser frem til konferencen. Udbudet af sessions er som sædvanlig overvældende og man må med det samme indse at man får ikke det hele med.

Traditionen tro inviterer Informi på sejltur for alle danske deltagere og et par internationel gæster. Vi ses!

In one weeks time I will be sitting in the plane on my way to ESRIs International User Conference in San Diego. Some where between 12 to 14 thousand participants from all over the world will be joining to see and hear the lastest from ESRI. It is my 5th time going and as always I do look forward to the conference with great anticipation. The number of sessions is as usual tremendeous and you won't be able to get it all.

True to tradition Informi (the Danish ESRI distributor) has invited all Danish participants and a couple of international guests as well. See you there!


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